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  • Laravel version + Wordpress plugin



Please read the faq to get answers to 99% of your questions

Common questions

Is the script open source?
Yes it is. All php code is open and you can modify it.
Does the script use ZEND or ionCube encryption?
No i doesn't.
How long my license on script will be valid?
The script has a lifetime license.
During what time you provide free script updates?
We provide free script upgrades for lifetime.
Can I install license on script I bought on a few sites I owe?
You need to buy license for each of your sites separately. But, buying the script you can buy 5 or 10 licenses at ones and get a substantial discount.
Could i integrate my own template?
Yes it is possible. All templates are separated from the programming code.
Could you help us to integrate a new template?
Yes we could help you for additional fee. The price depends on a template.
May i remove all copyrights and have unbranded version?
Yes you may remove all our copyrights for free.
Can I use script to upload other files, not just photo,audio, vector, video?
You can upload files of ANY formats - for example, Word, Excel files, PDF, etc. The script allows to organize files easily and upload your file archive into Internet. All the information you are uploading is secured.
Can user get access to content without any registration and payments just indicating link to certain file into the browser?
No, it is impossible. Such user will get "Access Denied" message on the screen. You can check it here.
What payment methods could be used in script?
Could you integrate a new payment gateway?
Yes, we could integrate a new gateway for free. The most of available gateways were added after our clients requests.
Could i disable Credits and have all prices in Dollars?
Yes, sure. You could disable Credits in the admin panel -> Settings - >Site settings.


Can you install script for us?
Yes, upon your desire we can install script for FREE.
I want to install the script into the root directory of my domain: www.mydomain.com What should i do?
You have to edit the file /admin/function/db.php like that:
define( "surl", "http://www.mydomain.com" );
define( "ssurl", "http://www.mydomain.com" );
define( "site_root", "" );
Then you have to open the link in your browser:
I want to install the script into the folder of my domain: www.mydomain.com/subfolder/ What should i do?
1) You have to edit the file /admin/function/db.php like that:
define( "surl", "http://www.mydomain.com" );
define( "ssurl", "http://www.mydomain.com" );
define( "site_root", "/subfolder" );

2) Edit the file /.htaccess and replace the string:
RewriteBase /
RewriteBase /subfolder/
Then you have to open the link in your browser:
I would like to install the script at the subdomain: store.mydomain.com What should i do?
You have to edit the file /admin/function/db.php like that:
define( "surl", "http://store.mydomain.com" );
define( "ssurl", "http://store.mydomain.com" );
define( "site_root", "" );
Then you have to open the link in your browser:
What is a writable permission?
It is a permission which allows you to upload files on the server using the script. Usually you should set 777 to make a folder writable. But sometimes the server security settings require other permissions for uploading. For example well-known cpanel hosting manager very often allows to upload files into a directory when it has only 755 rights and moreover if you set 777 permissions for a folder it can be banned by server security policy. So we advise you set 777 permissions only when the instructions on yourdomain.com/install/ require that.
I've installed the script but the photo's URLs don't work. There is no "photo" directory in the script's archive. www.mydomain.com/photo/test-photo.html
You didn't upload .htaccess file into the root directory. The file contains Apache mod_rewrite instructions. The seo-friendly URL /photo/test-photo.html is virtual and the folder doesn't exist. You should know that .htaccess file can be invisible on Mac.
I made sure that i uploaded .htaccess file and Apache has enabled mod_rewrite module but the URL doesn't work any way. www.mydomain.com/photo/test-photo.html
Probably Apache ignores the mod_rewrite instructions. You have to ask your hosting support to add the string "AllowOverride All" in httpd.conf Apache configuration file and restart the server.
I am going to install the script at the temporary URL: because my domain isn't set else.
It is impossible. You must use either a real subdomain or a subfolder. The script "thinks" that /~store/ is a real folder and it tries to open it. More details
I want to install the script at the local server for testing. Is it possible?
Yes sure. Here is detailed instruction
I've installed the script but i don't know the admin panel's login/password. Where can i find it? The front end doesn't work correct too.
If the installation is successfull you will see the login/password at the last step. Probably you didn't add a mysql user to the database and the database's tables were not created. You should go to the hosting cpanel -> mysql -> add user to database and then click "install" again.
After the installation all photos/users/menus are dublicated. What is wrong?
You clicked "Install" twice. You have to recreate the database (or remove all tables from the database) and click "Install" again.
I don't see any images after the installation. What is wrong?
There are 2 files: /content/.htaccess and /content2/.htaccess. The syntax depends on the server security settings and Apache version. You should contact us for the instructions.
Where can i remove all demo photos?
You can bulk delete them in Admin panel -> Catalog
I would like to change a hosting. How can i move my site?
  • You should download all files from the old server and upload them on the new server.
  • Create a mysql dump (backup) in the phpmyadmin on the old server.
  • Create a new database on the new server and import the dump.
  • Modify the file /admin/function/db.php with the new server/database details.
If you have any problems you should contact us
I uploaded all files on ftp. There is /_MACOSX/ folder. May i remove it?
Yes you may remove it. The Mac directory is unnecessary.
When i run www.domain.com/install/ i see php code. What is wrong?
You should enable the setting in php.ini file: short_open_tag = On
When i run www.domain.com/install/ i get a blank page.
There is a php error. You have to look at the php error logs for the details (or enable php error reporting) and contact us. There can be several reasons.
Does the script use SSL?
The script uses SSL only for the payment gateways like Paypal PRO when a user have to fill in all credits card information on your site. Most of the payment gateways redirect a user to their safe sites for the payment. So you should not think about the payment's security.
I would like to use SSL on all pages. What should i do?
You have to edit the file /admin/function/db.php and set https URLs. SSL certificate must be installed on the server.
define( "surl", "https://www.mydomain.com" );
define( "ssurl", "https://www.mydomain.com" );
define( "site_root", "" );

To make a redirection from http to https for all site's pages you should add the code in /.htaccess file:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
Is it possible to install the script on nginx server?
It is possible theoretically. But you have to rewrite all .htaccess files (/.htaccess and /content[n]/.htaccess) in the nginx's syntax.
Is it possible to install the script on IIS server?
It is possible theoretically. But we don't advise you to do this. IIS has an analog of Apache rewrite_mod but it is paid. Moreover there can be other unexpected problems.
I forgot my admin panel access. What should i do?
You should contact us. We will restore it quickly.

Uploading media files

How should i set my server to upload media files?
You shoud check the next php.ini settings:
  • upload_max_filesize - It is a maximum filesize which you may upload on the server.
  • post_max_filesize - This is a maximum filesize which you may upload on the server by the java uploader. The uploader generates all photo copies so the result file is larger than original one.
  • memory_limit - It is max RAM memory of the server which the script may use. It is a critical limit for the photo stock sites. When you upload a photo the script generates/resizes 2 previews. It requires many RAM memory especially for the high-resolution photos. It must be minimum 128M for 2000-3000px images.
  • max_execution_time - The script may work only for the time and then a server terminates it. If you upload large files you should increase the setting. Usually it is 30 seconds by default. So a jquery uploader works only for the time. Is it possible to upload 10-20Mb file for 30 seconds? Sometimes yes but it is better to change the limit for the stable work.
  • ignore_user_abort = On - If the buyers download large files the setting must be enabled to prevent a disconnection.
  • allow_url_fopen = On - If you use Facebook/Twitter/VK/Instagram authorization or Rackspace/Amazom S3 file storage the setting has to be enabled.
  • Safe mode - If you use Plesk hosting cpanel and have problems with the file's upload you should try to disable Safe mode. On CPanel hosting the script works perfect with enabled Safe mode.
  • EXIF module - There must be the section in php.ini file. Otherwise you won't be able to upload any photos (you will get a blank page).
  • GD module - The php library is required. This is for image's manipulations in php.
  • CURL module - The php library is required. It works with the payments gateways, facebook authorization and etc.
You can find your php.ini settings here: Admin panel -> Settings -> php.ini
How could i change php.ini setting on the hosting?
You should ask your hosting support. There can be several methods: global php.ini modification, creation of a local php.ini, .htaccess instructions or php code. It depends on the server's settings.

If you use hostmonster/bluehost cpanel for example you have to go 'PHP configs' section, select 'Single php.ini file', install local php.ini file, rename the file 'php.ini.default' to 'php.ini' on ftp and modify the php.ini file. It is important to set 'Single php.ini file' otherwise local php.ini will affect only a root directory - not nested folders.

You can check the modifications here: Admin panel -> Settings -> php.ini
When I try to upload a photo i get the error: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 7804 bytes)...
You should increase 'memory_limit' in php.ini file. The script resizes 2 photo's thumbs and it requires many RAM memory of the server especially when you upload a high-resolution image. If it is impossible to increase the limit you have to use only Java photo uploader which generates all photo copies on the client side.
A hoster doesn't allow me to increase 'memory_limit' on the server.
First we advise you to change the hoster. If it is not possible you should use Java uploader. It resizes all previews and photo's copies in your browser. So the uploader doesn't require RAM memory of the server.
When I try to upload 5Mb file I receive a error message. The small files are being uploaded fine. Why does it happen?
Probably it is a PHP setting restriction. By default in php.ini file upload_max_filesize = 2M.
I logged in as photographer and try to upload a photo. I see the max upload limit = 5M but 'upload_max_filesize' = 100M in php.ini. What is wrong?
You should change the photographer's limit here:
Admin panel -> Settings -> Seller categories
The jquery uploader works only for 30 seconds and then the process is terminated. What should i do?
You should increase 'max_execution_time' in php.ini file.
What files types does the script support?
The script supports all file formats. You can have 4 types of the publication:
  • Photo publication consists of:
    - 2 photo's thumbs
    - file for sale. Format: *.jpg, *.jpeg.
  • Video publication consists of:
    - *.jpg photo preview
    - *mp4/*.flv video preview
    - list of files for sale. Any format.
  • Audio publication consists of:
    - *.jpg photo preview
    - *.mp3 audio preview
    - list of files for sale. Any format.
  • Vector publication consists of:
    - *.jpg photo preview or *.zip archive of *.jpg previews
    - *.swf flash preview (optional)
    - list of files for sale. Any format.
You can disable unnecessary publication's types here:
Admin panel -> Settings -> Site settings
Could i add a new publication type except photo, video, audio and vector?
No it is impossible. You are able to rename a publication in the translation file only: /admin/languages/english.php
Could i upload *.png or *.tif file as photo publication?
Yes it is possible. You are able to upload *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png, *.raw, *.tif, *.tiff, *.eps files in the photo's publications. Also the script can resize *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif (not animated), *.png automatically. It keeps a transparent background for *.gif and *.png.
I would like to sell flash components but i cannot find where i can do that.
You should upload the flash files as 'vector' publication.
Can I sell CD collections?
Yes you can. You should zip your CD collection and upload the *.zip file as 'vector' publication. Moreover the publication can have several previews: you need upload *.zip archive of jpg photos as preview and the script generates all thumbs itself.
What stock file's licenses does the script support?
The script supports Royalty-free and Rights-Managed files.
What should i set in the admin panel before file's uploading.
You have to set minimum one license here (Common, Extended and etc):
Admin panel -> Settings -> Royalty-Free Licenses

and minimum one file type/price here:
Admin panel -> Settings -> Royalty-Free Prices -> Photo/Video/Audio/Vector
Can I sell a photo with initial sizes?
Yes you can. Admin panel -> Settings -> Royalty-Free Prices -> Photo. You should set 'size' field as '0'. The script determines real sizes of� image automatically.
Can a small photo size be free downloading?
Yes it is possible. Admin panel -> Settings -> Royalty-Free Prices -> Photo. You should set a price = 0.
Can i set a watermark for a photo size?
Yes you can. Admin panel -> Settings -> Royalty-Free Prices -> Photo. There is a 'watermark' checkbox.
I would like to sell *.avi video file but i don't see the field in the upload form. Where could i add it?
You should go to Admin panel -> Settings -> Prices -> Video and add the video format. The script supports ANY file type.
Could i sell *.zip archive of *.mp3 files?
Why not. You should go to Admin panel -> Settings -> Prices -> Audio and add *.zip file type.
Where could i upload my files?
You have several variants:
  • Admin panel -> Catalog (one by one)
  • Admin panel -> Catalog -> Bulk upload (preupload files on ftp)
  • Photographer's member area -> My upload
What uploaders does the script support?
There are 5 types of the uploaders:
I want to upload only photos. What uploader should i select?
It depends on your server's capacity. When you upload a photo the script creates 2 previews. If someone buys a photo size it is necessary to create the resized copy too. It is not easy if a photo is large (in pixels). The server must have sufficient RAM memory ('memory_limit' setting in php.ini). Many shared hostings limit the parameter.

The java and flash uploaders help to avoid the problem. They generate photo's thumbs on the client side and then send ready files to the server. So the server doesn't get overloaded.

You should know that Adobe Flash has the limitation. In AIR 1.5 and Flash Player 10, the maximum size for a BitmapData object is 8,191 pixels in width or height, and the total number of pixels cannot exceed 16,777,215 pixels. (So, if a BitmapData object is 8,191 pixels wide, it can only be 2,048 pixels high.) In Flash Player 9 and earlier and AIR 1.1 and earlier, the limitation is 2,880 pixels in height and 2,880 in width.

The java uploader doesn't have such limits.
Is it possible to bulk upload many photos?
Yes sure. Thare are 6 ways:
  • Admin panel -> Catalog -> Bulk Upload -> FTP photo uploader. You should preupload all photos on ftp first.
  • Admin panel -> Catalog -> Bulk Upload -> Java photo uploader
  • Photographer's member area -> My upload -> Jquery photo uploader
  • Photographer's member area -> My upload -> Pluploader
  • Photographer's member area -> My upload -> Java photo uploader
  • Photographer's member area -> My upload -> Flash photo uploader
The uploader X doesn't work for me or it works correct only in some browsers? What should i do?
We specially integrated several types of the uploaders so that you are able to select appropriate ones. You could disable unnecessary uploaders in Admin panel -> Settings -> Site settings. For example Flash uploader is too old and it doesn't work correct with the high-resolution photos. That's why it is disabled by default. But we cannot remove it completely because many our old clients love it and we love the clients. So you should only test all uploaders and select more suitable for you personally. It is not a funny to integrate a new uploader but we did this several times specially for you and your choice.
I upload 3MB photo in the java uploader but for some reasons the result file is 7Mb. What is wrong?
The java uploader creates 2 previews and all resized photo's copies. So there are several photos instead of one initial image. If you want to generate only photo's thumbs to economize disk space please contact us. We will send you all necessary files. But in this case you have to make sure that your server is able to create the photo copies itself.
I am able to upload only small photos in Java photo uploader. The 'upload_max_filesize' is sufficient in php.ini
Probably 'post_max_filesize' limit is small. It must be more than upload_max_filesize' because the java uploader creates 2 thumbs and all resized photos instead of one image. Also you have to increase 'max_execution_time' limit.
I try to upload a photo in the flash uploader and get the error: Error generating resized image. Resizing: Error #2015
Adobe Flash has the limitation. In AIR 1.5 and Flash Player 10, the maximum size for a BitmapData object is 8,191 pixels in width or height, and the total number of pixels cannot exceed 16,777,215 pixels. (So, if a BitmapData object is 8,191 pixels wide, it can only be 2,048 pixels high.) In Flash Player 9 and earlier and AIR 1.1 and earlier, the limitation is 2,880 pixels in height and 2,880 in width.
I try to upload a photo in the flash uploader and get the error: Error #2032
You have to disable SecFilterEngine on the server. You can try to do that in .htaccess file:
SecFilterEngine Off
It can cause Internal Server Error. In this case you should remove the code.

Other variant is for .htaccess file:
SetEnvIfNoCase Content-Type \ "^multipart/form-data;" "MODSEC_NOPOSTBUFFERING=Do not buffer file uploads"
Forum topic
I try to upload a photo in the admin panel but get a blank page.
Probably php exif library isn't installed on your server. You can check it here: Admin panel -> Settings -> php.ini. You should add the php module or contact us. We will send you modified files where the library code is commented. Exif allows to define google coordinates from IPTC data automatically.
Does the script generate previews and resized copies for a photo's publication or i should do that myself?
The script creates thumbs and copies automatically. When you upload a photo 2 thumbs are generated. When someone buys a photo size the script create the copy.
What php libraries does the script use for the photo's preview's generation?
The script can use 2 libraries: php GD or Imagemagick. php GD is a standard. It is installed on all servers. Imagemagick is more powerful tool for the work with the images but unfortunately it is usually unavailable on the shared hostings.
What library is better? php GD or Imagemagick?
Definitely Imagemagick is better. It allows to reach the best quality of the previews and saves original colors. But it consumes many server's resources. So you can use it only on vps or dedicated servers.
Does the script create previews for the video publication automatically?
Yes it is possible but only if you have FFMPEG library on the server. You can set the option here: Admin panel -> Settings -> FFMPEG
Could i upload video files without ffmpeg?
Yes sure. In this case you need to upload *.jpg and *.mp4/*.flv video previews separately. You can create the files using some offline software. The variant is preferable when the video files are large and you can overload a server.
What video preview type should i use? *.mp4 or *.flv?
*.mp4 is better. It works correct on all platforms. *.flv (flash video) doesn't work on iOS.
I try to upload *.mp4 video preview but a player doesn't show it?
*.mp4 must be generated by H.264 codec. For example if it is created by mpeg codec it doesn't work.
I have ffmpeg. Is the script able to generate *.avi video file from *.mov file for sale?
No it is impossible. The script creates only video previews.
FFMPEG is installed on the server but the previews aren't created. What is wrong?
You should contact us. We will check the ffmpeg settings. There can be several reasons: wrong ffmpeg path, incorrect configuration, absence of necessary codecs, disabled 'exec' function on the server and etc.
I would like to change a quality of the video previews which are generated by FFMPEG. Where can i edit a ffmpeg command?
You should contact us or modify yourselves the function 'generate_flv' in /admin/function/functions.php file.
Does the script create watermarked video previews by ffmpeg?
It is possible theoretically. You should contact us. We will check ffmpeg configuration and add the command.
Does the script create previews for the audio publication automatically?
No it doesn't. You need to have minimum 3 files to upload a audio publication: *.jpg preview, *.mp3 preview and a file for sale - any format. But if nevertheless you want to have ffmpeg generation strongly you should contact us. We will invent something.
Is it possible to create audio 'watermark'?
It is possible theoretically. You need to have the library on the server: sox.sourceforge.net. And again you should only contact us
Does the script create previews for the *.tif, *.png files?
No it doesn't. You need to upload a *.jpg preview separately for each publication.
Can I sell only prints - not digital files?
Yes, you can. You should go too Admin panel -> Settings - > Site Settings and check 'Sell prints only'
I would like to sell mugs and t-shirts with the prints.
Yes sure. You could add any such products here: Admin panel -> Settings - >Prints and products
Can a user upload own photos and order prints?
Yes we have added the feature. Admin panel -> Settings -> Site settings -> Prints lab.
Where can i produce ordered prints?
This is your responsibility. You should think about it before offering prints to users. Also we integrated one online prints service: Pwinty. The script can place prints orders there automatically.
Can the script extract IPTC and EXIF information and add it to a photo publication automatically?
Yes it can. The Photo Video Store script supports the feature. We recommend you to use the opportunity if you have to upload many photos. The script reads title,keywords,description from IPTC and google coordinates from EXIF. The filled IPTC info will help you to work on all photo stock sites and accelerate considerably the upload process.
The script reads IPTC info but the encode is wrong.
The IPTC data must be in utf8 encode.
Where can i edit IPTC?
Many photo software has such tool. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for example. You can do it here: Adobe Photoshop -> File -> File info.
I uploaded a new watermark but I cannot find any changes on the site. Why?
The watermarked previews are generated one time during uploading. The new watermark will affect new publications only. You can regenerate the old thumbs here: Admin panel -> Catalog -> Select action. Attention! It can overload your server.
I uploaded a watermark but it shows at the top of the thumb.
The watermark width must be smaller than vertical thumb's width.
Is there any file size limitation?
No there isn't. The file size is only limited by the php.ini settings: upload_max_filesize and post_max_filesize.
What is the model release?
If the people are depicted on a photo with the faces you should prove that they were agreeable to be a model in the internet. Usually you have to upload their passport or driving license scan.
What is the property release?
Property release is signed by an owner of house, hotel, private land, castle and etc. For example you can shoot model in 5 stars hotel or any other well-known hotels but you may not sell those files with commercial purposes without signed property release from the hotel. It is forbidden to use famous well-known interiors and private property for commercial purposes without signed property release from the owner.
Can a media file have an exclusive price for sale? It must be removed from the stock after the first purchase.
Yes it is possible. You should enable the checkbox: Admin panel -> Catalog - >Edit a file -> 'Exclusive price'
I have a lite version and upload files only in the admin panel. So i've removed all sellers. What should i write in 'Author' field?
The script must have minimum one seller who you have to select as author. You can add the user in Admin panel -> Users -> Customers.

File Storage

Where does the script store media files?
The script can store files on a local server where the software is installed or on clouds hostings such as Rackspace cloud files, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2 Cloud.

The clouds hosting is cheap, easy and safe way to store media files and distribute them faster in Internet.

When you use Rackspace clouds or Amazom S3 all files are stored on the local server first and then they are moved to a clouds hosting.
Where could i change the storage settings?
You can set it here: Admin panel -> Settings -> File storage
I've uploaded 32000 photos and i cannot upload more. Does the script have any limitations?
There is no any limit. In Linux system a directory may have only 31998 subdirectories. So when you will have 31998 publications you should only add a new folder for the file's storage. Admin panel -> Settings -> File storage -> Local server
Can a user download a media file without any registration and payments just indicating link to the file into the browser?
No, it is impossible. Such user will get "Access Denied" message on the screen. You can check it here. There is /content/.htaccess file which prevents the downloads.
What is better: the storage on the your server or on clouds files servers?
This is only your decision. Your server is the easiest way to store files. if you have few files and they are not large you should use only your server.

The advantages of clouds hostings are:
  • The script requires only 25-50Mb disk space for the php files and temporary media files.
  • The disk space can grow without any limitation on the clouds hostings. You pay only for what you use.
  • It is cheap, easy and safe way to store media files.
  • The speed of file's download is fast and garanted.
  • Probably it is a single way to store large GBs video files.
  • Many hostings don't allow to store media file even if they announce unlimit disk space.
  • You can easily change a hosting. You don't need to move gigabites of file's archives to a new server. You have to upload only several megabites of php files.
  • This is a global tendention to store data on the clouds servers.

Some of our clients found several disadvantages. You should analyse them too and select the best method for you.

I am affraid that Amazon S3 and Rackspace will disappear and i lose all my files.
Amazon S3 and Rackspace are 2 world-wide leaders. We think the probability that your hosting provider will disappear is higher in the millions times.
What company is better: Amazon S3 or Rackspace?
We don't know. They are 2 world-wide leaders. That is a matter of taste.
Could i store media file on other clouds services except Amazon and rackspace?
No it is impossible. At the moment only the two services were integrated.
I would like to use clouds file's hosting. Where should i upload my files?
Admin panel -> Settings -> File storage -> Rackspace/Amazon S3. You should follow the instructions there.

The files are stored on the local server first and then they are moved to a clouds hosting by a special cron script.

So you have to upload files as usual and set a cron task which will move file to the clouds hosting.
What is a cron script?
The cron is a simple php script which is run by a server automatically once 15-30 minutes.

Here are the instructions: Admin panel -> Settings -> File storage -> Cron
I've run a cron URL but only several publications were moved to the clouds. But i have thousands of the files! This is catastrophe.
The file's movement is a time consuming process. It is impossible to copy all files quickly and simultaneously. So the cron moves the files by a portion: 1-5 publications. If the cron is run once 15 minutes all your files will be copied soon.
Does the script delete files on the server after it moves them on the clouds.
Yes sure. The disk space becomes empty.
Could i move my media files back from the clouds hosting to my server?
No sorry. It is impossible. This is a street with the one-way traffic :)
Where can i set the cron task?
You should have the option in your hosting cpanel. There is 'Cron' or 'Cron task' section. Otherwise you have to ask your hosting support.
What command should i use for the cron?
Examples of the cron commands:
  • /usr/bin/lynx -source http://www.yourdomain.com/members/cron_amazon.php
  • GET http://www.yourdomain.com/members/cron_amazon.php > /dev/null
The cron command must ping the URL - not local path to php file.

Templates and Configuration

Where can i change a current template?
You should go to Admin panel -> Templates -> Select skin
Could i modify a design?
Yes sure. All template's files are separated from the php code. You could modify them here on ftp: /templates/template[n]/
What files should i modify to change my template?
You have to edit the files into /templates/template[n]/ folder on ftp:
  • home.tpl - Home page
  • header.tpl - Header for all second pages
  • footer.tpl - Footer for all second pages
  • style.css - All html styles
  • item_photo.tpl - Photo publication
  • item_video.tpl - Video publication
  • item_audio.tpl - Audio publication
  • item_vector.tpl - Vector publication
  • item_list.tpl - Catalogue listing
  • menu.tpl - Top menu (only in the new templates)
Can you develop a new template for the script?
It is possible for the additional fee.
Where can i remove your copyright?
You have to edit the templates on ftp: /templates/template[n]/home.tpl and /templates/template[n]/footer.tpl
Where could i add Google Analytics code?
You should add it at the bottom of the templates on ftp: /templates/template[n]/home.tpl and /templates/template[n]/footer.tpl
Where can i modify a top horizontal menu?
You should modify the file on ftp: /templates/template[n]/menu.tpl.
I would like to modify a view of the category listing.
You should only contact us. We will set it for you and send all necessary files for free. We have already developed many different types of the category listing for our clients: only top categories are visible; show subcategories when you click on a category; an image category preview; a list of text links instead of the image preview; an interactive select menu and etc. Everything is possible.
Where can i modify a home page slideshow?
You can find the slideshow's code into the template: /templates/template[n]/home.tpl. You have to upload new images: /images/slide1(_big).jpg, /images/slide2(_big).jpg, ..., /images/slide4(_big).jpg or /images/newslide1.jpg, /images/newslide2.jpg. We advise to optimize the photos and respect the slide's size in pixels.
Can i use a video slideshow template?
Yes you can. You are able to find hundred of jquery video slideshow's scripts in Google. You have to integrate it in home.tpl template or independently or contact us for helping.
Does the script use caching?
Yes sure. The script uses Smarty engine caching. Admin panel -> Templates -> Caching. It prevent a server overload.
I uploaded new photos on the site but i didn't see the files in the catalogue and on the home page.
You should clear the cache here: Admin panel ->Templates -> Caching. The home page components, site stats and all other difficult mysql queries are cached once per hour to prevent database server overload.
Where can i modify the home page's photo sets?
You could edit them here: Admin panel -> Templates - >Home page
I sell only video files and home page's previews don't work for me.
All home page's components are set for the photos by default. You should edit them here: Admin panel -> Templates - >Home page
Where can i change a size on the home page's previews?
You should modify the file /templates/template[n]/box_home.tpl.
How does the script select related items for a publication?
The script searches all publications which have similar titles, keywords and descriptions.
Where can i change a size of the related items?
You should modify the file /templates/template[n]/item_related.tpl.
I see several untranslatable words in my template. Where could i fix them?
Currently the script is translated to 41 languages. We add new words/terms permanently when we develop new features. It is impossible of course to support all languages simultaneously. We update only 2 files: /admin/languages/english.php and /admin/languages/russian.php. If you see an untranslatable word in your language you have to open english.php file, copy all new words at the bottom, insert them in your language.php and translate.
Could i add new word to the translation file?
You should open the file on ftp /admin/languages/english.php and add the word there. To insert the word in the templates you have to use the syntax: {lang.Your word}
How can i translate a home page and text pages to the different languages?
You can use the syntax: {if english}Text in English{/if} {if french}Text in French{/if}.
I want to add a new language. How can i do that?
You should have some php knowledge. Please copy the file /admin/languages/english.php, rename it to your language and translate. Then you have to upload a flag to the folder /admin/images/languages/ and finaly go to phpmyadmin -> 'store' database - > 'languages' table and add the new language.
I would like to change a word 'Photographers' to 'Video producers'. What template should i modify?
The easiest way is to modify a translation file. You have to open the file on ftp /admin/languages/english.php, find the word and change.
I want to edit the page www.mydomain.com/pages/about.html but i cannot find /pages/ folder on ftp.
Most of script's seo-frienly URLs are virtual. The folder "pages" doesn't exist really. You should edit it here: Admin panel -> Text pages - >Site info.
Does the script support Facebook authorization?
Yes it does. The script supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vkontakte authorization. You could set it here: Admin panel -> Settings -> Social Networks
I try to set facebook authorization but i get the error 'Invalid redirect_uri: URL'
When you create a facebook application you should set a correct site domain URL. This is the most important parameter.
I try to set facebook authorization but i get the php error 'file_get_contents()...It is not possible to open the external URL for security reasons'
You should ask your hosting support to enable the php.ini setting: allow_url_fopen = On.
I would like to have my site only in English, i disabled all languages but it continues to show it in my local language.
The script defines a language by default in your web browser and shows a site in the language. You are able to disable the option here: Admin panel -> Settings -> Site settings - >Automatic language detection.
I want to disable "right click button" on my site.
You should edit the templates: /templates/template[n]/home.tpl and /templates/template[n]/header.tpl and add the code in the <body> tag: <body oncontextmenu="return false"> More info
Where could i change a favicon?
You should upload a new favicon *.gif file here: /images/favicon.gif
Where can i edit audio and video player's code?
You should edit the files on ftp: /templates/players/audio_player.tpl and /templates/players/video_player.tpl
What video players does the script use?
The two video players are integrated into the script: JW Player (free branded version with a logo) and Video.js. Both players support HTML5 and Flash videos. JW Player is enabled by default. To enable Video.js player you should rename the file /templates/players/video_player4.tpl to video_player.tpl on ftp.


Where can i download script's updates?
You can download all upgrades in your member area on cmsaccount.com. The section is 'Upgrades'. You can find all installation's instructions there.
Can you install the upgrades for us?
Yes sure. You should contact us.
Will the upgrade touch/damage my files and settings?
The upgrade won't touch the templates, a database and uploaded files. You can lose ONLY the modifications in the php files. So we advise you to make a backup of your site and your database before the update.
My script has an old version. I skipped several updates. Can i install only the latest upgrade?
No you cannot. You should upgrade step by step from your version to the latest one.
Where can i download new templates?
You can download them in your member area on cmsaccount.com. The section is 'Templates'. You can find all installation's instructions there.
  Photo Store Script

Laravel photo stock script and WordPress plug-in for photographers and video producers.

  CMSaccount Inc.