$m_lang["wait"]="Please, wait. The file is uploading...";
$m_lang["error"]="Error!!! This user does not exist.";
$m_lang["allpages"]="All Pages";
$m_lang["structure"]="Structure of the site";
$m_lang["structure2"]="Structure of the site";
$m_lang["adddocument"]="Add document";
$m_lang["editimages"]="Edit images";
$m_lang["newimage"]="New image";
$m_lang["allimages"]="All images";
$m_lang["editfiles"]="Edit files";
$m_lang["newfile"]="New File";
$m_lang["allfiles"]="All files";
$m_lang["error1"]="Error. The extention of this image is wrong.";
$m_lang["error2"]="Error. The size of this image exceed the allowed limit.";
$m_lang["do"]="To upload this image you must copy and paste the URL";
$m_lang["do2"]="in the form and click button.";
$m_lang["inserttable"]="Insert table";
$m_lang["insertrow"]="Insert row";
$m_lang["deleterow"]="Delete row";
$m_lang["insertcolumn"]="Insert column";
$m_lang["deletecolumn"]="Delete column";
$m_lang["insertcell"]="Insert cell";
$m_lang["deletecell"]="Delete cell";
$m_lang["joincell"]="Join cell";
$m_lang["splitcell"]="Split cell";
$m_lang["numberlist"]="Number list";
$m_lang["unnumberlist"]="Unnumber list";
$m_lang["reduceindent"]="Reduce indent";
$m_lang["enlargeindent"]="Enlarge indent";
$m_lang["format"]="Delete format";
$m_lang["wantimage"]="Do you want to upload the images?";
$m_lang["site"]="at the website";
$m_lang["adduser"]="Add new user";
$m_lang["newuser"]="New user";
$m_lang["changepassword"]="Change password";
$m_lang["currentpassword"]="Current Password";
$m_lang["newpassword"]="Enter New Password";
$m_lang["confirmpassword"]="Confirm New Password";
$m_lang["changepasswordsuccess"]="Your password has been changed successfully.";
$m_lang["errorpasswordequal"]="Error. Password and Confirm are not identical.";
$m_lang["errorpasswordincorrect"]="Error. Current password is incorrect.";
$m_lang["userslist"]="User's list";
$m_lang["rolelist"]="Group's list";
$m_lang["userserror1"]="Error. The username connot be empty.";
$m_lang["userserror2"]="Error. The username already exists.";
$m_lang["addrole"]="Add group";
$m_lang["editrole"]="Edit group";
$m_lang["deleterole"]="Delete group";
$m_lang["namerole"]="Group's title";
$m_lang["newrole"]="New group";
$m_lang["newvoting"]="New Voting";
$m_lang["newanswer"]="New Answer";
$m_lang["newquestion"]="New Question";
$m_lang["votinglist"]="Voting List";
$m_lang["answerlist"]="Answer List";
$m_lang["configuration"]="Voting Config";
$m_lang["totalusers"]="Total Users";
$m_lang["totalusers2"]="Database Total Users";
$m_lang["setzero"]="Set to zero";
$m_lang["Site name"]="Site name";
$m_lang["Admin email"]="Admin email";
$m_lang["Paypal account"]="Paypal account";
$m_lang["Authorize account"]="Authorize account";
$m_lang["Small thumb width"]="Small thumb width";
$m_lang["Big thumb width"]="Big thumb width";
$m_lang["Lightbox photo"]="Hover view photo";
$m_lang["Lightbox video"]="Hover view video";
$m_lang["watermark2"]="It should be a *.png file with transparent picture or inscription.";
$m_lang["text pages"]="Text pages";
$m_lang["full name"]="Full Name";
$m_lang["date of registration"]="Date of Registration";
$m_lang["access denied"]="Access Denied";
$m_lang["photo set"]="Photo set";
$m_lang["video set"]="Video set";
$m_lang["file manager"]="File Manager";
$m_lang["published date"]="Published Date";
$m_lang["contact method"]="Contact Method";
$m_lang["blocked ip"]="Blocked IP";
$m_lang["blocked users"]="Blocked Users";
$m_lang["select template file"]="Select Template file";
$m_lang["not found"]="Not Found";
$m_lang["transaction id"]="Transaction ID";
$m_lang["date of payment"]="Date of payment";
$m_lang["number of accounts"]="Number of accounts";
$m_lang["number of orders"]="Number of orders";
$m_lang["total payment"]="Total payment";
$m_lang["number of new signups"]="Number of new signups";
$m_lang["file list"]="File List";
$m_lang["upload files"]="Upload Files";
$m_lang["photo1"]="You may upload multiple sizes of a photo.";
$m_lang["photo2"]="You may upload either *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png files.";
$m_lang["photo3"]="The image must not exceed 2 Mb.";
$m_lang["photo4"]="Thumbnails for *.jpg files will be generated automatically.";
$m_lang["preview picture"]="Preview Picture";
$m_lang["or picture url"]="or Picture URL";
$m_lang["preview video"]="Preview Video";
$m_lang["or video url"]="or Video Url";
$m_lang["file1"]="You may upload all format files.";
$m_lang["file2"]="The file size must not exceed 2 Gb.";
$m_lang["shopping cart"]="Shopping Cart";
$m_lang["member area"]="Member Area";
$m_lang["top rated"]="Top Rated";
$m_lang["about"]="About Us";
$m_lang["contacts"]="Contact Us";
$m_lang["tell a friend"]="Tell a Friend";
$m_lang["forgot password"]="Forgot Password";
$m_lang["my profile"]="My Profile";
$m_lang["my favorite list"]="Lightbox";
$m_lang["sign up"]="Sign Up";
$m_lang["empty shopping cart"]="Your Shopping Cart is empty.";
$m_lang["view shopping cart"]="View Shopping Cart";
$m_lang["confirm password"]="Confirm password";
$m_lang["required fields"]="Required fields";
$m_lang["please insert"]="Please, insert fields";
$m_lang["not equal"]="Password and confirm password are not identical.";
$m_lang["serror1"]="Error: Username is already in use.";
$m_lang["serror2"]="Error: Email is already in use.";
$m_lang["serror3"]="Your profile has been changed successfully.";
$m_lang["by e-mail"]="By E-mail";
$m_lang["by phone"]="By Phone";
$m_lang["all rights reserved"]="All rights reserved";
$m_lang["password protected"]="This category is password protected";
$m_lang["add to favorite list"]="Add to Lightbox";
$m_lang["delete from favorite list"]="Delete from Lightbox";
$m_lang["add to cart"]="Add to Cart";
$m_lang["your name"]="Your Name";
$m_lang["your e-mail"]="Your E-mail";
$m_lang["friend name"]="Friend Name";
$m_lang["friend e-mail"]="Friend E-mail";
$m_lang["sent"]="Thank you. Your message has been sent.";
$m_lang["sort by title"]="Sort by Title";
$m_lang["sort by date"]="Sort by Date";
$m_lang["ferror"]="Error. Unknown e-mail.";
$m_lang["customer information"]="Customer Information";
$m_lang["order now"]="Order Now!";
$m_lang["continue checkout"]="To continue checkout process you should sign up and log in.";
$m_lang["select payment method"]="Select Payment Method";
$m_lang["error transaction"]="Transaction is unsuccessful. Please, try again";
$m_lang["confirm registration"]="Confirm Registration";
$m_lang["confirmed registartion"]="Thank you! You have confirmed the registration to our site";
$m_lang["unconfirmed registration"]="You haven't confirmed the registration to our site.";
$m_lang["confirmation sent"]="Thank you! You've successfully signed up. Please, check your email to confirm the registration.";
$m_lang["password sent"]="The password has been sent to your email. Thank you!";
$m_lang["types of coupons"]="Types of Coupons";
$m_lang["list of current coupons"]="List of Current Coupons";
$m_lang["type of coupons"]="Type of Coupons";
$m_lang["setup date"]="Setup Date";
$m_lang["expiration date"]="Expiration date";
$m_lang["total discount"]="Total Discount";
$m_lang["percentage discount"]="Percentage Discount";
$m_lang["free download link"]="Free Download Link";
$m_lang["days till expiration"]="Days till expiration";
$m_lang["new signup"]="New Signup";
$m_lang["new order"]="New Order";
$m_lang["payment gateways"]="Payment Gateways";
$m_lang["admin password"]="Admin Password";
$m_lang["site settings"]="Site Settings";
$m_lang["select skin"]="Select Skin";
$m_lang["limit of usage"]="Limit of Usage";
$m_lang["times usage"]="Times of Usage";
$m_lang["free download"]="Free Download";
$m_lang["Site root directory"]="Site Root Directory";
$m_lang["Date format"]="Date format";
$m_lang["Items on the page"]="Items on the page";
$m_lang["Items in the row"]="Items in the row";
$m_lang["Site HTTP URL"]="Site HTTP URL";
$m_lang["Site HTTPS URL"]="Site HTTPS URL";
$m_lang["Lightbox video width"]="Hover view video width";
$m_lang["Lightbox video height"]="Hover view video height";
$m_lang["top navigation"]="Top navigation";
$m_lang["bottom navigation"]="Bottom navigation";
$m_lang["side boxes"]="Side boxes";
$m_lang["side boxe"]="Side boxe";
$m_lang["best seller"]="Best seller";
$m_lang["site info"]="Site info";
$m_lang["left side"]="Left side";
$m_lang["right side"]="Right side";
$m_lang["Items in news box"]="Items in news box";
$m_lang["Items in best seller box"]="Items in best seller box";
$m_lang["privacy policy"]="Privacy Policy";
$m_lang["alternative password"]="Alternative password";
$m_lang["callback password"]="Callback password";
$m_lang["store number"]="Store number";
$m_lang["merchant id"]="Merchant ID";
$m_lang["product code"]="Product code";
$m_lang["product id"]="Product ID";
$m_lang["encryption key"]="Encryption Key";
$m_lang["mail subject"]="Mail subject";
$m_lang["mail message"]="Mail message";
$m_lang["price manager"]="Price manager";
$m_lang["allow users upload"]="Allow users upload";
$m_lang["allow photo types"]="Allow photo types";
$m_lang["allow video types"]="Allow video types";
$m_lang["allow to create category"]="Allow to create category";
$m_lang["allow to upload photo"]="Allow to upload photo";
$m_lang["allow to upload video"]="Allow to upload video";
$m_lang["percentage of sale to site owner"]="Percentage of sale to site owner";
$m_lang["customer categories"]="Customers categories";
$m_lang["my upload"]="My Upload";
$m_lang["my commission"]="My Commission";
$m_lang["create category"]="Create category";
$m_lang["upload photo"]="Upload photo";
$m_lang["upload video"]="Upload video";
$m_lang["my publications"]="My Publications";
$m_lang["select directory"]="Select directory";
$m_lang["upload permitted"]="Upload permitted";
$m_lang["upload denied"]="Upload denied";
$m_lang["not selected"]="Not selected";
$m_lang["file for sale"]="File for sale";
$m_lang["first name"]="First Name";
$m_lang["last name"]="Last Name";
$m_lang["user status as default"]="User status as default";
$m_lang["file types"]="File types";
$m_lang["photo sizes"]="Photo sizes";
$m_lang["upload manager"]="Upload manager";
$m_lang["commission manager"]="Commission manager";
$m_lang["users earnings"]="Users earnings";
$m_lang["new refund"]="New Refund";
$m_lang["send to"]="Send to";
$m_lang["catalog navigation"]="Catalog navigation";
$m_lang["prints types"]="Prints types";
$m_lang["shipping price"]="Shipping price";
$m_lang["each additional item"]="Each additional item";
$m_lang["ok1"]="Ok. Username is available.";
$m_lang["ok2"]="Ok. Email is available.";
$m_lang["avatar width"]="Avatar width";
$m_lang["for me"]="For me";
$m_lang["new message"]="New message";
$m_lang["friend email"]="You may send a message only to your friends.";
$m_lang["User photo width"]="User photo width";
$m_lang["you wrote"]="You wrote";
$m_lang["file details"]="File Details";
$m_lang["member portfolio"]="Member Portfolio";
$m_lang["sitemail to user"]="Sitemail to User";
$m_lang["new review"]="New Review";
$m_lang["add review"]="Add Review";
$m_lang["error happened"]="Error. Please, try again";
$m_lang["item id"]="Item ID";
$m_lang["show in menu"]="Show in Menu";
$m_lang["maynot blog"]="You may not create a blog.";
$m_lang["new post"]="New Post";
$m_lang["allow comments"]="Allow comments";
$m_lang["most popular"]="Most popular";
$m_lang["hover view"]="Hover View";
$m_lang["sort by"]="Sort by";
$m_lang["customers status"]="Customers status";
$m_lang["add to friends"]="Add to Friends";
$m_lang["add a testimonial"]="Add a Testimonial";
$m_lang["delete from friends"]="Delete from Friends";
$m_lang["new testimonial"]="New testimonial";
$m_lang["posted in"]="Posted in";
$m_lang["add comment"]="Add comment";
$m_lang["new comment"]="New comment";
$m_lang["use iptc info"]="Use IPTC info";
$m_lang["bulk upload"]="Bulk upload";
$m_lang["small thumb height"]="Maximum small thumb height";
$m_lang["big thumb height"]="Maximum big thumb height";
$m_lang["allow photo"]="Allow photo";
$m_lang["allow video"]="Allow video";
$m_lang["allow audio"]="Allow audio";
$m_lang["video settings"]="Video settings";
$m_lang["audio settings"]="Audio settings";
$m_lang["clip format"]="Clip Format";
$m_lang["aspect ratio"]="Aspect Ratio";
$m_lang["field rendering"]="Field Rendering";
$m_lang["frames per second"]="Frames per Second";
$m_lang["track source"]="Track Source";
$m_lang["track format"]="Track Format";
$m_lang["duration"]="Duration (sec)";
$m_lang["copyright holder"]="Copyright Holder";
$m_lang["upload form"]="Upload Form";
$m_lang["terms and conditions"]="Terms and Conditions";
$m_lang["allow audio types"]="Allow audio types";
$m_lang["Upload video limit (Mb)"]="Upload video limit (Mb)";
$m_lang["Upload preview video limit"]="Upload preview video limit";
$m_lang["Upload audio limit (Mb)"]="Upload audio limit (Mb)";
$m_lang["Upload preview audio limit"]="Upload preview audio limit";
$m_lang["allow to upload audio"]="Allow to upload audio";
$m_lang["upload audio"]="Upload audio";
$m_lang["i agree"]="I agree";
$m_lang["allow ipn"]="Allow notification";
$m_lang["allow video remote storage"]="Allow video remote storage";
$m_lang["allow audio remote storage"]="Allow audio remote storage";
$m_lang["or remote link"]="Or remote link";
$m_lang["remote link"]="Remote link";
$m_lang["file is avaivable"]="Ok. File is available";
$m_lang["unable to open remote file"]="Error. Unable to open remote file";
$m_lang["preview audio"]="Preview audio";
$m_lang["sell prints only"]="Sell prints only";
$m_lang["show watermark info"]="Show watermark info";
$m_lang["allow vector"]="Allow vector";
$m_lang["allow vector remote storage"]="Allow vector remote storage";
$m_lang["allow vector types"]="Allow vector types";
$m_lang["vector preupload folder"]="Vector preupload folder";
$m_lang["credits types"]="Credits types";
$m_lang["download limit"]="Download limit";
$m_lang["days till download expiration"]="Days till download expiration";
$m_lang["download links"]="Download links";
$m_lang["allow to upload vector"]="Allow to upload vector";
$m_lang["upload vector"]="Upload vector";
$m_lang["advanced search"]="Advanced search";
$m_lang["upload vector limit (Mb)"]="Upload vector limit (Mb)";
$m_lang["download sample"]="Download sample";
$m_lang["check or money order"]="Check or Money Order";
$m_lang["buy credits"]="Buy Credits";
$m_lang["content type"]="Content types";
$m_lang["subscription type"]="Subscription types";
$m_lang["related items"]="Related items";
$m_lang["related items quantity"]="Related items quantity";
$m_lang["tag clouds"]="Tag clouds";
$m_lang["content type as default"]="Content type as default";
$m_lang["user uploads premoderation"]="User uploads premoderation";
$m_lang["print version"]="Print version";
$m_lang["The item has been added to the cart"]="The item has been added to the cart";
$m_lang["home page"]="Home page";
$m_lang["most downloaded"]="Most downloaded";
$m_lang["who are you"]="Who are you";
$m_lang["prints for users"]="Prints for users";
$m_lang["generate video preview from"]="Generate video preview from";
$m_lang["rates depend on"]="Rates depend on";
$m_lang["price includes tax"]="Price includes tax";
$m_lang["not shipped"]="Not Shipped";
$m_lang["separated home page"]="Separated home page";
$m_lang["add new template"]="Add new template";
$m_lang["billing address"]="Billing Address";
$m_lang["shipping address"]="Shipping Address";
$m_lang["model property release"]="Model property release";
$m_lang["search history"]="Search History";
$m_lang["new publication"]="New publication";
$m_lang["upload several photos"]="Upload several photos";
$m_lang["zip archive file of *.jpg photos"]="Zip archive file of *.jpg photos";
$m_lang["Error. The file has 0 bite size"]="Error. The file has 0 bite size";
$m_lang["Error. The file has incorrect extention"]="Error. The file has incorrect extention";
$m_lang["Error. You have no permission to upload to the directory"]="Error. You have no permission to upload to the directory";
$m_lang["Error. You have no permission to upload the file"]="Error. You have no permission to upload the file";
$m_lang["Error. The archive doesn't contain files"]="Error. The archive doesn't contain files";
$m_lang["seller examination"]="Seller Examination";
$m_lang["take an examination"]="Take an Examination";
$m_lang["flash version"]="Flash version";
$m_lang["flash script version"]="Flash script version";
$m_lang["become a buyer"]="Become a buyer";
$m_lang["become a seller"]="Become a seller";
$m_lang["seller agreement"]="Seller Agreement";
$m_lang["buyer agreement"]="Buyer Agreement";
$m_lang["the seller may not buy items"]="The seller may not buy items";
$m_lang["refresh now"]="Refresh now";
$m_lang["refresh every x hours"]="Refresh every X hours";
$m_lang["refresh all files"]="Refresh all files";
$m_lang["next step"]="Next step";
$m_lang["file storage"]="File storage";
$m_lang["in your cart"]="In your cart";
$m_lang["original size"]="Original size";
$m_lang["select all"]="Select All";
$m_lang["deselect all"]="Deselect All";
$m_lang["show model property release"]="Show model property release on front end";
$m_lang["share this"]="Share this";
$m_lang["all files"]="All files";
$m_lang["select action"]="Select action";
$m_lang["delete selected"]="Delete selected";
$m_lang["regenerate thumbs"]="Regenerate Thumbs";
$m_lang["change content type"]="Change Content type";
$m_lang["set prints"]="Set Prints";
$m_lang["set prices"]="Set Prices";
$m_lang["add category"]="Add category";
$m_lang["back to results"]="Back to results";
$m_lang["Show on Google map"]="Show on Google map";
$m_lang["Google map"]="Google map";
$m_lang["Show EXIF info"]="Show EXIF info";
$m_lang["move to category"]="Move to category";
$m_lang["add new price"]="Add New Price";
$m_lang["reason for rejection"]="Reason for Rejection";
$m_lang["social networks"]="Social Networks";
$m_lang["login without signup"]="Login without Signup";
$m_lang["become an affiliate"]="Become an affiliate";
$m_lang["affiliate agreement"]="Affiliate agreement";
$m_lang["local server"]="Local server";
$m_lang["pay now"]="Pay Now";
$m_lang["credit card"]="Credit card";
$m_lang["subscription only"]="Subscription only";
$m_lang["Common account for buyers,sellers and affiliates"]="Common account for buyers,sellers and affiliates";
$m_lang["restore link"]="Restore the link";
$m_lang["java photo uploader"]="Java Photo Uploader";
$m_lang["flash photo uploader"]="Flash Photo Uploader";
$m_lang["place order"]="Place order";
$m_lang["buy subscription"]="Buy Subscription";
$m_lang["purchase statement"]="Purchase Statement";
$m_lang["billing information"]="Billing Information";
$m_lang["shipping information"]="Shipping Information";
$m_lang["payment information"]="Payment Information";
$m_lang["order information"]="Order Information";
$m_lang["ftp photo uploader"]="FTP photo uploader";
$m_lang["ftp video uploader"]="FTP video uploader";
$m_lang["ftp audio uploader"]="FTP audio uploader";
$m_lang["ftp vector uploader"]="FTP vector uploader";
$m_lang["icons view"]="Icons View";
$m_lang["tree view"]="Tree View";
$m_lang["common information"]="Common Information";
$m_lang["contacts information"]="Contacts Information";
$m_lang["customer information"]="Customer Information";
$m_lang["my downloads"]="My Downloads";
$m_lang["customer agreement"]="Customer Agreement";
$m_lang["regenerate urls"]="Regenerate URLs";
$m_lang["login on the frontend"]="Login on the frontend";
$m_lang["export as xls file"]="Export as xls file";
$m_lang["export as csv file"]="Export as csv file";
$m_lang["mobile payment"]="Mobile payment";
$m_lang["files for editorial use only"]="Files for Editorial Use Only cannot be used for any commercial purposes.";
$m_lang["photo filters"]="Photo Filters";
$m_lang["video filters"]="Video Filters";
$m_lang["audio filters"]="Audio Filters";
$m_lang["vector filters"]="Vector Filters";
$m_lang["delete from favorite list"]="Delete from favorite list";
$m_lang["login as guest"]="Login as Guest";
$m_lang["change files to free/paid"]="Change files to free/paid";
$m_lang["change files to featured"]="Change files to featured";
$m_lang["change photos to editorial"]="Change photos to editorial";
$m_lang["meta keywords"]="Meta keywords";
$m_lang["meta description"]="Meta description";
$m_lang["access rights"]="Access Rights";
$m_lang["last downloads"]="Last downloads";
$m_lang["last sales"]="Last sales";
$m_lang["items in bulk upload"]="Items in Bulk Upload";
$m_lang["google coordinates"]="Google Coordinates";
$m_lang["photo preupload folder"]="Photo preupload folder";
$m_lang["video preupload folder"]="Video preupload folder";
$m_lang["audio preupload folder"]="Audio preupload folder";
$m_lang["flash width"]="Flash width";
$m_lang["flash height"]="Flash height";
$m_lang["show users as"]="Show users as";
$m_lang["select a lightbox"]="Select a lightbox";
$m_lang["the file was added to the lightbox"]="The file was added to the lightbox";
$m_lang["the file was removed from the lightbox"]="The file was removed from the lightbox";
$m_lang["shopping carts"]="Shopping Carts";
$m_lang["you should login to use the option"]="You should login to use the option";
$m_lang["add a new lightbox"]="Add a new lightbox";
$m_lang["incorrect field"]="Incorrect field";
$m_lang["sorting of catalog"]="Sorting of catalog";
$m_lang["simple photo uploader"]="Jquery Photo Uploader";
$m_lang["seller may set prices"]="Seller may set prices";
$m_lang["automatic language detection"]="Automatic language detection";
$m_lang["select files"]="Select files";
$m_lang["Photo resolution in DPI"]="Photo resolution in DPI";
$m_lang["add files"]="Add files";
$m_lang["start upload"]="Start upload";
$m_lang["cancel upload"]="Cancel upload";
$m_lang["adult content"]="Adult content";
$m_lang["change files to adult"]="Change files to Adult";
$m_lang["exclude adult content"]="Exclude adult content";
$m_lang["category preview"]="Category preview";
$m_lang["payout method"]="Payout method";
$m_lang["shipping time"]="Shipping time";
$m_lang["weight min/max"]="Weight min/max";
$m_lang["shipping method"]="Shipping method";
$m_lang["shipping charges"]="Shipping charges";
$m_lang["calculation method"]="Calculation method";
$m_lang["flat rate"]="Flat rate";
$m_lang["prints and products"]="Prints and Products";
$m_lang["cd weight"]="CD/DVD weight";
$m_lang["products options"]="Products options";
$m_lang["continue shopping"]="Continue Shopping";
$m_lang["clear cart"]="Clear cart";
$m_lang["order details"]="Order details";
$m_lang["not finished"]="Not finished";
$m_lang["billing and shipping address"]="Billing and Shipping address";
$m_lang["order total"]="Order total";
$m_lang["billing and shipping address are the same"]="Billing and Shipping address are the same";
$m_lang["pwinty prints service"]="Pwinty prints service";
$m_lang["flow by default"]="Flow by default in Catalog";
$m_lang["auto"]="Auto paging";
$m_lang["auto paging"]="Auto paging in Catalog";
$m_lang["auto paging by default"]="Auto paging by default";
$m_lang["remove all"]="Remove All";
$m_lang["new orders"]="New Orders";
$m_lang["new credits"]="New Credits";
$m_lang["new subscriptions"]="New subscriptions";
$m_lang["recurring payments"]="Recurring payments";
$m_lang["plupload photo uploader"]="Plupload Photo Uploader";
$m_lang["only registered users may download free files"]="Only registered users may download free files";
$m_lang["only registered users may set rating"]="Only registered users may set rating";
$m_lang["add language"]="Add language";
$m_lang["multilingual option for categories"]="Multilingual option for categories";
$m_lang["royalty free"]="Royalty free";
$m_lang["rights managed"]="Rights managed";
$m_lang["rights managed files"]="Rights managed files";
$m_lang["royalty free files"]="Royalty free files";
$m_lang["rights managed files for sellers"]="Rights managed files for sellers";
$m_lang["price scheme"]="Price scheme";
$m_lang["add step"]="Add step";
$m_lang["add group"]="Add group";
$m_lang["calculate price"]="Calculate price";
$m_lang["image resize library"]="Image resize library";
$m_lang["photo uploader"]="Photo uploader";
$m_lang["video uploader"]="Video uploader";
$m_lang["audio uploader"]="Audio uploader";
$m_lang["vector uploader"]="Vector uploader";
$m_lang["usual uploader"]="Usual uploader";
$m_lang["jquery uploader"]="Jquery uploader";
$m_lang["plupload uploader"]="Plupload uploader";
$m_lang["all news"]="All News";
$m_lang["show content type in the search"]="Show 'Content type' in the search";
$m_lang["daily limit"]="Daily limit";
$m_lang["open a support request"]="Open a Support Request";
$m_lang["in progress"]="In Progress";
$m_lang["preview fixed width"]="Preview fixed width";
$m_lang["preview fixed height"]="Preview fixed height";
$m_lang["the same file"]="The same file";
$m_lang["one color files are the same"]="One color files are the same. You should upload only one of them";
$m_lang["how many free files a user may download per day"]="How many free files a user may download per day";
$m_lang["daily limit error"]="Error! You exceeded free download daily limit";
$m_lang["prints lab"]="Prints lab";
$m_lang["upload your photos and order prints"]="Upload your photos and Order prints";
$m_lang["add new gallery"]="Add new album";
$m_lang["edit gallery"]="Edit album";
$m_lang["order prints"]="Order prints";
$m_lang["Prints lab photo size (MB)"]="Prints lab photo size (MB)";
$m_lang["select gallery"]="Select album";
$m_lang["Use the same prints options for the gallery"]="Use the same prints options for the album";
$m_lang["marketing emails"]="Marketing emails";
$m_lang["save as draft"]="Save as draft";
$m_lang["show in catalog"]="Show in catalog";
$m_lang["visible in catalog"]="Visible in catalog";
$m_lang["catalog view by default"]="Catalog view by default";
$m_lang["grid"]="Catalog items view - Grid";
$m_lang["fixed width"]="Catalog items view - Fixed width (Masonry)";
$m_lang["fixed height"]="Catalog items view - Fixed height";
$m_lang["change rights-managed price"]="Change rights-managed price";
$m_lang["Require Billing Address for the Order Checkout"]="Require Billing Address for the Order Checkout";
$m_lang["Require Shipping Address for the Order Checkout"]="Require Shipping Address for the Order Checkout";
$m_lang["Require Billing Address for the Credits Checkout"]="Require Billing Address for the Credits Checkout";
$m_lang["Require Billing Address for the Subscription Checkout"]="Require Billing Address for the Subscription Checkout";
$m_lang["exclusive price"]="Exclusive price";
$m_lang["contact us to get the price"]="Contact us to get the price";
$m_lang["Exclusive price. The file will be removed from the stock after the purchase"]="Exclusive price. The file will be removed from the stock after the purchase";
$m_lang["change files to exclusive"]="Change files to exclusive";
$m_lang["change files to 'contact us to get the price'"]="Change files to 'Contact us to get the price'";
$m_lang["Oops! The file was removed."]="Oops! The file doesn't exist or it was removed.";
$m_lang["I would like to purchase the file"]="I would like to purchase the file";
$m_lang["Bulk change titles, keywords, description"]="Bulk change titles, keywords, description";
$m_lang["Bulk add/remove keywords"]="Bulk add/remove keywords";
$m_lang["add new keywords"]="Add new keywords";
$m_lang["remove keywords"]="Remove keywords";
$m_lang["not to change"]="Not to change";